HawaiianBabyWoodrose.com 100% Natural Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds(Argyreia nervosa). Buy HBWR SEEDS
  • 50 A+ Organic Argyreia nervosa Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds

    $28.00 $22.00

    50 A+ Untreated Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds(Argyreia nervosa).

    Why buy from hawaiianbabywoodrose.com ?

    Because we are literally the name in hawaiian baby woodrose! in order to grow beautiful hawaiian baby woodrose plants, you must start with the seeds. the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Mother Plants are hand-grown using only old-world traditional methods. The Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds(Argyreia nervosa ) are hand-picked from the mother plant and sent straight to you.

    What inspired you to start this site?

    I have felt a strong affinity to the beauty of the hawaiian baby woodrose plant for years. but many of the cheap seeds avaliable from sketchy online sources left me disapointed. many have low germination rates and genetic weakeness because they are dusted with pesticides, many were old and non-viable, and some were just plain the wrong strain!

    Why are your seeds better?

    Our Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds are authentic Argyreia nervosa, and untreated. They are grown locally so you know where they come from and what they are.

    Why shouldn't I buy any old woodrose seeds i find online?

    if you dont have a love and respect for nature and the beauty of this vine, then by all means purchase "any old woodrose." but unscrupulous sellers looking to make a quick dollar do not have respect for the plants health, and they offer seeds that are grown in ghana, or an indian strain which has to be dusted with poisons and pesticides in order to be imported from the native countries from which these sellers buy them cheaply.

    Ok,  your seeds are better than the rest, but what else?

    1.packages are shipped discreet in a 6x9 manilla envelope. there is no mention of contents.

    2.check-out is secure through paypal.

    3.i want provide my customers the care that i myself would demand. that includes meticulously sourced botanicals, a demand for purity and natural plant products that insures the customer has the highest quality specimen available!